Founded in 1972 in connection with the
College Art Association (CAA), WCA is a national member organization
unique in its multidisciplinary, multicultural membership of artists,
art historians, students, educators, and museum professionals. With fifteen chapters throughout the United States, WCA is dedicated to creating community through art, education and social activism.
WCA is committed to recognizing the contribution of women in the arts; providing women with leadership opportunities and professional development; expanding networking and exhibition opportunities for women; supporting local, national and global art activism; and advocating for equity in the arts for all. To read more about the national organization go to
WCA/NH is the New Hampshire Chapter of WCA and a thriving organization with about 120 members. We hold bi-annual members’ meetings and smaller local groups of women artists providing opportunities for advancement of women in the arts via networking, education, and exhibition opportunities. To read more about our chapter see our website:
The Art Center is an award-winning community space located on two floors in the historic mill building at One Washington Street in Dover, NH. Its mission is to promote the creation, display, and sale of art work by its resident artists, members, and community partnerships, while educating and fostering cultural awareness.
The first-floor gallery has more than 3,000 square feet of airy, well-lit exhibit space that hosts popular public openings. Twelve artist studios surround the exhibition space, and the gallery is open to the public six days per week.
For images of the venue -
Mathematically, an inflection point is the point on a curve where the curvature changes from concave to convex or vice versa. The term is now popularly used to describe a moment when significant change occurs or may occur.
When reflecting on works to submit to this show, members may want to consider the following:
Turning points in your life when your art made a dramatic breakthrough. A “Take II Moment” when you diverged from a style, repurposed an old work and took it to a new direction, or explored new inspirations and methods.
Is there a compelling idea inspiring your work today—be it historical, scientific, political, mathematical, philosophical, etc.?
Is your artistic practice and expression being influenced by the changing times we live in?
Open to self-identified women artists who are current WCA/NH members or current members of other WCA chapters and who reside in the Northeast region. (see states above)
A brief artist statement explaining the relevance of your work to the theme will be required. Artists working in any media must submit two but can submit (3) original works.
Work must be original and not a copy of previous work.
Any atypical installations will require permission of the gallery and the organizers prior to submission. See contact below.
Framed measurements may not exceed 50 inches in any direction.
Digital images submitted electronically should be JPEGs only. The JPEG file must be at least 960 pixels in one direction and a file size no larger than 5 MB.
Please ensure submitted images are clear, professionally presented, and accurately represent the work.
All artwork must be for sale.
Selected works must be delivered ready to hang/install. The gallery director may refuse installation of work that is not professionally presented. Artwork misrepresented or considered unsuitable for presentation will be refused.
June 9, 2025 at midnight.
$25 for up to three works submitted. Founders will not pay a fee.
June 15, 2025
Delivery dates are firm. August 27-30, 2025 during gallery hours, 10-6 weekdays and 10-2 Saturday.
Deadlines for delivered and shipped works are firm. Delivery of accepted pieces will only be received during the stated days/hours. All work must arrive between August 25-August 30, 2025. Please use a sturdy reusable box, without packing peanuts. If work is to be shipped for return, you must include a prepaid shipping label.
The Art Center, One Washington Street, Suite 1177, Dover, NH 03820
The Art Center carries insurance for work while on the premises
All artwork must be for sale. Founders are excepted.
Gallery commission on sales is 30%. Artists will retain 70% of the sale price.
The Art Center, WCA, and WCA/NH reserve the right to photograph work for publication and publicity purposes. Artist agree to abide by all instructions in this prospectus. FB: The Art Center Dover
You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.